While driving down the highway listening to the radio, doesn't everyone sound incredible? The pitch is perfect, every high note is perfectly struck with the right volume, and the harmonies are second to none. They must just be fantastic singers and that's why they are paid the big bucks right? Wrong!
I few weeks ago I was re-watching an awards show on TV and I was absolutely appalled by some of the singing I heard from professional singers! These guys get paid millions of dollars for singer, and when they go live they sound like a dying cow! OK maybe not that bad, but it was awful. The verdict is that auto-tune is taking over our society. The image is more important than the voice, and in order to keep that image up singers feel they have to be perfect all of the time. What frustrates me the most with pop and hip-hop singers now a days is that most of them focus on the performance part more than the singing aspect? Some fans may totally disagree with me but that's OK. The whole point of these award shows are to recognize the great singers of the year and applaud them by giving them awards, and listening to them on live TV in front of millions of viewers. The issue with award shows are that the singers getting awards are either awful live, or lip sing the entire song. What fun is that? Either you are faking the whole show so that your "image" stays intact, or you are performing an award winning song in an awful way. Both are just despicable.
As an audience member sitting at home I expect the best. Sure I'm greedy and not realistic, but if these performers make as much as they do they better not fake their talents to the world. What does that teach us as kids? "If you fake your way through life you will be successful." No! That's an awful message for us as young people. I shouldn't categorize all singers as using auto-tune as a crutch because most are excellent singers and don't use that weapon of technology, but for the ones that do, it ruins the whole show.
The lesson I take away from watching people use this unforgivable tool is to never be ashamed of who you actually are. Don't cover up mistakes in yourself, embrace them. If you can't hit a note don't sing it! Don't act like you can and then when the public wants to hear it then it's not possible to produce. Every person reading this is special and unique in their own way, and why hide that from people just to be like everyone else? Believe in who you are and what you do and success will come into your life.
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