"The storm is coming, but I don't mind...People are dying, I close my blinds...But all I can do is keep breathing."
These are the opening lyrics to the 2016 Happiness Inc. ballad. A little depressing don't you think? This person is obviously some sort of depressed and feels so lonely inside that the only thing she can focus on is breathing. What a sad life that would be if all you can do is think about not dying. That person isn't living their life, they are surviving it.
In a weird way however this song fits this group perfectly and I just figured out why. In a literal aspect this song can't relate at all because our group is not depressed and actually has nothing but fun, which is quite enjoyable. But in a figurative way this song, in one pair of glasses, can represent our group.
No doubt our group has had adversity this year. Whether it is our placing in competitions, the group chemistry, or outside complications. The one thing about when adversity strikes are that is shows what the group is really made of. Unfortunately our group hasn't bounced back with great effort. That's why we need to keep breathing. We have a month left of the season and our national competition creeping into our midst. Somehow we need to find a way to come together, become a team, and accomplish the ultimate goal that we want accomplished. It won't be easy, but if you as a reader have learned anything about my blog posts dating back to my football days, nothing in life is ever given to you easily.
As a group we decided to work on our amount of talking, as that got in the way of some of our success, and to really apply our full effort during practices. To many times this year we would show up, do the same routine, and leave. We wouldn't think anything of it. Now we have to buckle down and work. This is the biggest competition of our lives coming up and in order to be successful we need to keep our eyes on the prize and put our best valiant effort forward.
The idea of keep breathing is a connotation to our entire season. Our song is telling us to keep making strides forward and if we do our best success will happen. We may not win, we may not even make finals, but if we prepare to succeed the trip will be worth our time. All I can do is keep breathing...All we can do is keep breathing.
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